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Force Copilot

Force Copilot is an intuitive software to operate the e-Series’ embedded force torque sensor. Program complex robot movements in minutes—no robotics expertise needed. The result is a reliable and flexible robot cell.

  • Program complex tasks the easy way.
  • Unlock force-sensitive applications.
  • Increase robot-cell reliability and flexibility.
  • Unleash your force torque sensor’s full potential.
  • Master force control in no time.

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  • Force Copilot uses the e-series’ embedded force torque sensor data along with the following features to allow the programming of complex force-sensitive applications in minutes :

    • ActiveDrive toolbar
    • Path recording node
    • Zero FT Sensor node
    • Insertion node
    • Find Surface node
    • Force Control node
    • Force Event node
    • Collision Detection node
    • Multipoint Path node

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